Femdom Ball 2024
My account of a magical evening with a few extra thoughts thrown in!

I went to the Femdom Ball for the very first time and it was absolutely incredible!
Guests from the UK and abroad arrived in their splendour to attend this prestigious, world class celebration of Female Supremacy. Attendees were promised an evening of sophistication, class and elegance and my goodness, the promise was honoured in the most magnificent way!
I decided to attend unaccompanied. I initially considered bringing my S1, but realised that I wanted to be free of any responsibilities and distractions, so consigned him to chauffeur duties and assistance surrounding my attendance only. He was able to wear a suit and look the part as he drove me to the venue - it was only fitting that he was appropriately dressed to transport his Mistress to the Ball! Which brings me nicely on to my dress! Take a moment or two to appreciate my beautiful handmade red ballgown, with a waistband to match my handbag, an elaborate fascinator and delicate soft white leather gloves with pearl buttons:
Ok, back to the blog! Upon entry to the venue, a 17th century, Grade 1 listed building in the heart of London, Dominant Females and others aligned with Femdom, congregated in the large entrance hall prior to being invited to ascend the first flight of luxurious stairs to the landing, where the stunning Miss Tess in a wonderful blue gown conducted an inspection of the guests' attire. There were very strict entry requirements to uphold - with no exceptions! This was the first indication that the event meant serious business! The alluring Queen Lorraine checked all entry tickets before guests ascended a few more luxuriously carpeted stairs, where the skilful Jo Armstrong was waiting on the landing to take a photo of each guest. Next, the reception hall, where a warm greeting by the glamorous host Madame Caramel wearing a striking red sequined gown awaited, looking absolutely splendid in her wonderful dress, she looked so radiant, accomplished and ready for a fabulous evening! Prosecco was being served just before entry to the main hall, where another photographer took a snap and by this point I was feeling like utter royalty! The lovely Miss Anne Tittou stood fantastically at the entrance to the main hall wearing a dazzling gold sequined gown, ready to inform guests of the seating arrangements inside.
Upon entering the main hall, the realisation that the setting is truly magical is stark. Exquisitely ornate throughout, the spectacularly detailed stained glass windows exude the epitome of luxury. The chatter and laughter of the guests meeting, greeting, making new acquaintances and connecting with longstanding ones created a melody of its own, with the volume increasing steadily as more guests arrived.
Everywhere I looked, I saw ladies who were usually seen clad in sexy catsuits, shiny black latex, soft leather, thigh highs and six inch platform heels, wonderfully transformed by their glamorous gowns, fantastic fascinators and stunning shoes, while holding high-class handbags. The sight of the smiles, hugs, air-kisses and handshakes; the motion of the beautiful colours and fine fabrics of fancy frocks swaying, as glamorous ladies moved from person to person throughout the hall was mesmerising - some almost gliding with their floor length gowns; the hooded, collared and leashed subs in humble deference; the waiters continually topping up our prosecco glasses, all added to an air of wonder and enthral.
Once seated at our tables, we received a warm welcome from the Mistress of Ceremonies, the delightful Lady Scarlet; then the entertainment began and my goodness, we were treated to a fascinating display of talent! A superb, emotionally charged and expertly performed Flamenco; a powerful Medusa themed recital and a Fashion Show to wow us with its awesome outfits! I was so glad I chose to sit at the end of a table near the aisle to ensure a perfect view of everything, including the models' shoes!
The top class entertainment was interspersed with breaks to mingle, take on the task of spending a penny clad in resplendent robes; partake of the delicious canapes, which were offered throughout the hall by the attentive waiters and to head over to the bar!
During one of the breaks, the elegant and influential Ezada Sinn led the subs into a side hall, to teach them a Mantra which they later repeated with reverence to all the ladies once we had returned from our break. These are the precious words: ‘With respect, obedience, and love, I serve and worship the Woman who guides my life' it was a touching moment of the evening. Well done boys!
Then came the Raffle! It was awash with many wonderful prizes and experiences for the lucky ticket holders to win. Not only was I one of many picked to draw a ticket, I was lucky enough to come away with 3 great prizes! A huge well done to Lady Scarlett in her role overseeing the raffle, as there were so many prizes to be won, it took a while to complete!
Ambassadors of Kink awarded well deserved accolades towards the end of the evening, presented by the founder Goddess Phoenix, who looked sensational! The Lifetime Achievement Award in Recognition and Appreciation for Outstanding Leadership and Ongoing Contributions to the Kink Community went to Madame Caramel, Ezada Sinn, Goddess Cleo and others. Some had awards collected on their behalf as they were regrettably unable to attend, but all awards were accepted with humility and grace, both in person and later online.
Whilst at the Ball, I decided I'd like to meet the highly influential and powerful Domina’s that I hadn’t previously met, those who are pillars of the community, who have given so much and aided the growth and development of many over the years. The first I was able to initiate a chat with was Ezada Sinn. She was so approachable and open to talk, humble and wonderful. She took my compliments and comments with such grace. Luckily for me, immediately afterwards I spotted the amazing and highly skilled Madame Li who warmly engaged in a short conversation which flowed with respect and fervour - such a beautiful encounter! Later, as I was heading over to the bar, I found myself in an engrossing conversation with the distinguished Lady Lola and captivating Mistress Nuit and my goodness, the power exuding from those ladies was phenomenal! Lady Lola was holding one of the most incredible crops I have ever seen – and held! Exchanging Twitter handles there and then with those ladies was surreal, yet so natural. Later still, there was the marvellous Mistress Marley who not only has Domme authority, she has a film star quality about her too! But more about my encounter with her later!
Not a single hint of standoffishness was detected, all who I managed to get round to were completely approachable, as I had suspected they would be. All were willing to chat to a fellow, albeit relatively unknown Domme such as myself.
The evening was an excellent opportunity to chat to Twitter contacts in person for the first time, such as the gorgeous Mistress Deity. You know when you meet someone and you feel like you’ve known them for longer than you have? That happened with that powerful lady, meeting her was one of the many sublime encounters of the evening.
Do you want to know something wild? I, me, Lady Rose Epic was told by a few ladies how inspirational I was to them! It was completely unexpected and totally touched my heart. But it showed me how the beauty of doing what one loves with complete abandon, by being themselves, by minding their own business and enjoying the journey of life, even while relatively unknown on the circuit, can inadvertently impact others in a positive way. They inspired me by sharing their thoughts. But isn't that part of what Femdom is all about? Women elevating each other and bringing out the best in each other, so we are better placed to control those who submit to our authority? To build each other up and boost one another? A strong, powerful woman can stand alone and oftentimes does so; however isn't supporting one another as we lead, orchestrate balance and order, not only in a personal or professional capacity, but also in wider society a desirable goal? I think so.
You may be thinking at this point that I'm all starry eyed and naïve, but that couldn't be further from the truth! I’m not under any illusions. I’m acutely aware that some of the challenges we face as women do in fact come from other women and it's an issue that I hope will be resolved in time. I believe it can be overcome, firstly by acknowledging that it exists, then through humility and work it can be managed. We are after all on the same side. There is no ‘I am a better person than you’, that's divisive talk and not conducive to an environment where the Femdom cause can thrive at pace. Where does that mindset stem from? I could think of a plethora of places. Perhaps there is a misunderstanding that having more experience, advanced skills, a particular style of dominance or clothing and longevity in the industry equals superiority, which requires segregation from other Dommes; perhaps even the possession of a certain aesthetic, possibly and ironically dictated to women by vanilla patriarchal ideals which leads to such misdirected thoughts, if so, we need to abandon these hindrances in order to progress. We must be careful regarding who we listen to, what influences our value base also what and who determines our prejudices, what their agendas are and who really gains as a result; thereby safeguarding our advancement.
True power comes from unity, recognising and embracing our differences, pooling our varied knowledge and experiences, seeking common ground and navigating compromise for a greater good. Solidarity and cohesion cannot excel if snobbery, elitism, gatekeeping, self-aggrandizing and scorn reside – it contradicts the very essence of Femdom! Of course we can express our individuality, we have our uniqueness and idiosyncrasies, we differ in all sorts of ways and that’s beautiful, but nothing should divide us on a major and negative scale, which ultimately is detrimental to what we are about - we must never permit another glass ceiling to be installed...
Perhaps a couple of simple facts will help to illustrate my view that we are indeed all on the same side: the gender pay gap still exists and the queue for the ladies toilets is always a lot longer than the mens. Worth a thought...
As females, many are used to feeling the fear but doing it anyway, overcoming, triumphing in the face of adversity, facing the setbacks that have plagued us at various points in our lives, some from as far back as being little girls. As Female Domination participants we have risen up and taken our places as Queens in our own lives and in the lives of those who serve us. That was encapsulated by the Femdom Ball. The absolutely marvellous event, splendid in every way, a feast for the eyes but good for the soul. An egoless event which served to encourage and empower, with a strong sense of camaraderie, so much so that should the lavishness be taken away, the spirit of the gathering would remain. Already, as I write this a few days after the event, there are new connections in their fledgling stage, collaborations being discussed and friendships solidifying. There’s so much more I could say, but this event will stay with me for a very long time. It was my first but it most certainly won’t be my last.
For the most part, what happened at the after party stays at the after party, but I'll give you a glimpse of the fab night that kept on buzzing until the early hours!
I wore the outfit in the above pic, I was in a leather type of mood so went for a leather mini skirt with over the knee leather boots, 4 inch heels and a leather corset, then completed the look with a velvet cropped jacket and of course a Top Hat! I completely forgot to take a picture once dressed, but you get the idea! There was no obligation to change for this part of the evening.
At the venue, which was in a different location to main event, I danced like no one was watching and if anyone was - I make no apologies! Goddess Phoenix’s skill and precision of her whip striking the nipple of her sub who was helplessly strapped to a Saint Andrew’s Cross, was chefs kiss perfection. The brilliant double sub rope bondage was expertly performed! Goddess Gina’s burlesque performance with tassels spinning on her buttocks was mesmerising (how she did it I don't know!). The DJ was on fire! He kept the dance floor busy! There was vanilla dancing, crazy dancing and dirty dancing and the feeling of letting our hair down, being kinky, talking, relaxing with no barriers was great (and there was food!).
Ok. Regarding Goddess Dealana's birthday announcement. For those who were there - let me explain. I had asked the DJ if he could do a shout out as it was past midnight and officially her birthday, so why not?! However, the delightful chap asked whether I would like to do it while handing me the mike and of course, me being me, replied with a resounding YES, grabbed hold of that Doxy resembling device and went for it! So now you know! No regrets. I’d do it again damnit!
Now back to the lovely Mistress Marley. I have to admit that as an older Domme I oddly felt a sense of Aunty-esque pride when meeting her and I so wanted to congratulate her in person for her playboy photoshoot and her many successes, that in my then fairly heavily Prosecco induced joy adding to the already exhilarating highs of the evening, I gleefully told her ‘I’m so proud of you!!’ during the course of our conversation and gave her a hug and a kiss on her head (with permission of course)! Are you cringing? I’m not! Those of you who know me would expect that of me - even without the Prosecco! For those that don't know, I'm slightly bonkers and very proud of it too! She was a real sport about it though, and a true gem! Bless her!
Overall, it was a fantastic night with plenty of opportunities for further networking, conversation as well as fun!
And so, my dear reader, as I wind this over blogged blog down, I'd like to remind you of a few things to take away with you as this has been an epic journey but I'm glad you're still here! Follower numbers on X formerly Twitter, levels of experience, varying styles of domination, being a dungeon owner or not were of no relevance on that wonderful evening; not in an attempt to diminish any achievements, but such things were set aside. We were one. Sharing the same ethos of who we are and what we do despite the battles we fight in life and it felt empowering and unifying to be enveloped in such energy. There was no 'we are all equal, but some are more equal than others' nonsense. Recognition of the efforts, sacrifices and dedication of those who have brought so much to the community was tastefully done. Seeing strong women of varying ages, ethnicities, shapes and sizes; styles and mannerisms, knowing we have a common goal, showed me that we can truly achieve great things.
As for Madame Caramel. Ah, Madame Caramel! The lady behind it all. Such a huge inspiration and with an insightful vision for the direction of Femdom, a true Matriarch and strong African Queen, yet inclusive and championing the furtherance of ALL females - I cannot emphasise enough how much respect I have for that super lady! Many thanks to her for organising and hosting one of the most amazing, magnificent and sophisticated events I have been to and I’ve been to some extravagant high profile events in my time I can tell you, but this was something else, something very special indeed. I’m glad for the effort and hard work she put in and I know I'm not the only one who holds that sentiment. I'm sure that it's not an easy task by any means and I'm sure she's faced many obstacles, but she does so in such a formidable way and in her power and determination - she wins.
I urge you to check out the Femdom Ball page on Twitter for pictures of the evening's glamour in all its forms. A picture tells 1,000 words which is just as well as I’ve only written approx 2500 so that’s only 2.5 pics worth! To fully appreciate this spectacular event, you’ll just have to attend next year, won’t you?!
Femdom Ball 2025 can’t come soon enough!